4GAMECHANGERS Studio Talk | 14.12.2022

Your future home - housing, society, life dream

Home is a term that means something to each of us and yet have a very different meaning for each individual. If one trusts studies that deal primarily with the gap between the generations, then there is a clear distinction in the understanding and personal interpretation of these. Be it marriage, children, home ownership, and preferably in one's mid-twenties, or flexibility in any livelihood - the attribution of meaning remains individual. For some, the concept of "home" is firmly anchored with a clear place, while others meanwhile make a much stronger fragmentation.

Discussion by the following


  • Senior Scientist am AIT Austrian Institute of Technology & Universität Wien
  • Ewald Kiss, Geschäftsführer value one digital
  • Katharina Kirsch-Soriano da Silva, Leitung Stadtteilarbeit Caritas Wien
  • Maimuna Mosser, Country Commercial Manager IKEA Austria
  • Host: Julia Furdea - PULS 4