The so-called gender health gap - i.e. gender-specific inequality in the medical sector - is anything but a phenomenon of the past. Modern medicine still increasingly tests on male test subjects, white skin and a maximum of two genders. Women, trans and gender-diverse people or people of color are completely left out. Be it crash test dummies, clinical studies or drug doses that are based purely on men. The far-reaching consequences can be serious, ranging from misdiagnosis and incorrect medication to increased mortality rates. Only since 2004 has it been mandatory to investigate gender-specific differences in order to obtain approval for an active substance. So there is still a lot to do. First and foremost: how can we bring about effective, logical research in the medical sector that has an equalizing effect for all people, what needs to be considered in the future and why can change only mean positive things? ORF presenter Mari Lang discusses this with Ulla Kruhse-Lehtonen (CEO & Co-Founder DAIN Studios), Alexandra Kautzky-Willer (Specialist in Internal Medicine & Professor of Gender Medicine), Peter Lehner (Chairman of the Conference of Social Insurance Institutions), Maria Rauch-Kallat (CEO mrk diversity management) and Erich Kruschitz (Chief Exploration Officer SanusX).